我们考虑在平均场比赛中在线加强学习。与现有作品相反,我们通过开发一种使用通用代理的单个样本路径来估算均值场和最佳策略的算法来减轻对均值甲骨文的需求。我们称此沙盒学习为其,因为它可以用作在多代理非合作环境中运行的任何代理商的温暖启动。我们采用了两种时间尺度的方法,在该方法中,平均场的在线固定点递归在较慢的时间表上运行,并与通用代理更快的时间范围内的控制策略更新同时进行。在足够的勘探条件下,我们提供有限的样本收敛保证,从平均场和控制策略融合到平均场平衡方面。沙盒学习算法的样本复杂性为$ \ Mathcal {o}(\ epsilon^{ - 4})$。最后,我们从经验上证明了沙盒学习算法在交通拥堵游戏中的有效性。
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在联合学习(FL)中,通过跨设备的模型更新进行合作学习全球模型的目的倾向于通过本地信息反对个性化的目标。在这项工作中,我们通过基于多准则优化的框架以定量的方式校准了这一权衡,我们将其作为一个受约束的程序进行了:设备的目标是其本地目标,它试图最大程度地减少在满足非线性约束的同时,以使其满足非线性约束,这些目标是其本地目标。量化本地模型和全局模型之间的接近度。通过考虑该问题的拉格朗日放松,我们开发了一种算法,该算法允许每个节点通过查询到一阶梯度Oracle将其Lagrangian的本地组件最小化。然后,服务器执行Lagrange乘法器上升步骤,然后进行Lagrange乘法器加权步骤。我们称这种实例化的原始偶对方法是联合学习超出共识($ \ texttt {fedBc} $)的实例。从理论上讲,我们确定$ \ texttt {fedBc} $以与最算好状态相匹配的速率收敛到一阶固定点,直到额外的错误项,取决于由于接近性约束而产生的公差参数。总体而言,该分析是针对非凸鞍点问题的原始偶对偶的方法的新颖表征。最后,我们证明了$ \ texttt {fedBc} $平衡了整个数据集(合成,MNIST,CIFAR-10,莎士比亚)的全球和本地模型测试精度指标,从而与艺术现状达到了竞争性能。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的重尾随机策略梯度(HT-PSG)算法,以应对连续控制问题中稀疏奖励的挑战。稀疏的奖励在连续控制机器人技术任务(例如操纵和导航)中很常见,并且由于对状态空间的价值功能的非平凡估计而使学习问题变得困难。这需要奖励成型或针对稀疏奖励环境的专家演示。但是,获得高质量的演示非常昂贵,有时甚至是不可能的。我们提出了一个重型策略参数化,以及基于动量的策略梯度跟踪方案(HT-SPG),以引起对算法的稳定探索行为。提出的算法不需要访问专家演示。我们测试了HT-SPG在连续控制的各种基准测试任务上的性能,并具有稀疏的奖励,例如1d Mario,病理山车,Openai体育馆的稀疏摆和稀疏的Mujoco环境(Hopper-V2)。就高平均累积奖励而言,我们在所有任务中表现出一致的性能提高。 HT-SPG还证明了最低样品的收敛速度提高,从而强调了我们提出的算法的样品效率。
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我们介绍了第一个分布式优化算法,该算法具有懒惰的通信,以进行协作几何估计,现代协作同时本地化和映射(SLAM)和结构 - 莫特 - 莫蒂(SFM)应用程序的骨干。我们的方法允许代理通过融合单个观察结果在中央服务器上合作重建共享的几何模型,但无需传输有关代理本身(例如其位置)的潜在敏感信息。此外,为了减轻迭代优化期间的通信负担,我们设计了一组通信触发条件,使代理能够选择性地上传针对性的本地信息的目标子集,该信息对全球优化有用。因此,我们的方法可实现大量的沟通减少,对优化性能的影响最小。作为我们的主要理论贡献,我们证明我们的方法以全球sublinear收敛速率收敛到一阶关键点。关于合作SLAM和SFM数据集的捆绑调整问题的数值评估表明,我们的方法在现有的分布式技术方面具有竞争力,同时达到了多达78%的总沟通减少。
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强化学习被广泛用于在与环境互动时需要执行顺序决策的应用中。当决策要求包括满足一些安全限制时,问题就变得更加具有挑战性。该问题在数学上是作为约束的马尔可夫决策过程(CMDP)提出的。在文献中,可以通过无模型的方式解决各种算法来解决CMDP问题,以实现$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳的累积奖励,并使用$ \ epsilon $可行的政策。 $ \ epsilon $可行的政策意味着它遭受了违规的限制。这里的一个重要问题是,我们是否可以实现$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳的累积奖励,并违反零约束。为此,我们主张使用随机原始偶对偶方法来解决CMDP问题,并提出保守的随机原始二重算法(CSPDA),该算法(CSPDA)显示出$ \ tilde {\ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}} \ left(1 /\ epsilon^2 \ right)$样本复杂性,以实现$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳累积奖励,违反零约束。在先前的工作中,$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳策略的最佳可用样本复杂性是零约束的策略是$ \ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}}} \ left(1/\ epsilon^5 \ right)$。因此,与最新技术相比,拟议的算法提供了重大改进。
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Reinforcement learning is a framework for interactive decision-making with incentives sequentially revealed across time without a system dynamics model. Due to its scaling to continuous spaces, we focus on policy search where one iteratively improves a parameterized policy with stochastic policy gradient (PG) updates. In tabular Markov Decision Problems (MDPs), under persistent exploration and suitable parameterization, global optimality may be obtained. By contrast, in continuous space, the non-convexity poses a pathological challenge as evidenced by existing convergence results being mostly limited to stationarity or arbitrary local extrema. To close this gap, we step towards persistent exploration in continuous space through policy parameterizations defined by distributions of heavier tails defined by tail-index parameter alpha, which increases the likelihood of jumping in state space. Doing so invalidates smoothness conditions of the score function common to PG. Thus, we establish how the convergence rate to stationarity depends on the policy's tail index alpha, a Holder continuity parameter, integrability conditions, and an exploration tolerance parameter introduced here for the first time. Further, we characterize the dependence of the set of local maxima on the tail index through an exit and transition time analysis of a suitably defined Markov chain, identifying that policies associated with Levy Processes of a heavier tail converge to wider peaks. This phenomenon yields improved stability to perturbations in supervised learning, which we corroborate also manifests in improved performance of policy search, especially when myopic and farsighted incentives are misaligned.
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We study the capabilities of speech processing systems trained simply to predict large amounts of transcripts of audio on the internet. When scaled to 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervision, the resulting models generalize well to standard benchmarks and are often competitive with prior fully supervised results but in a zero-shot transfer setting without the need for any fine-tuning. When compared to humans, the models approach their accuracy and robustness. We are releasing models and inference code to serve as a foundation for further work on robust speech processing.
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We present a new pre-trained language model (PLM) for modern Hebrew, termed AlephBERTGimmel, which employs a much larger vocabulary (128K items) than standard Hebrew PLMs before. We perform a contrastive analysis of this model against all previous Hebrew PLMs (mBERT, heBERT, AlephBERT) and assess the effects of larger vocabularies on task performance. Our experiments show that larger vocabularies lead to fewer splits, and that reducing splits is better for model performance, across different tasks. All in all this new model achieves new SOTA on all available Hebrew benchmarks, including Morphological Segmentation, POS Tagging, Full Morphological Analysis, NER, and Sentiment Analysis. Subsequently we advocate for PLMs that are larger not only in terms of number of layers or training data, but also in terms of their vocabulary. We release the new model publicly for unrestricted use.
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本文介绍了我们对SMM4H 2022共享任务的提交,内容涉及自我报告的亲密伴侣暴力在Twitter上(英语)。这项任务的目的是准确确定给定推文的内容是否证明了某人报告自己的亲密伴侣暴力经历。提交的系统是五个罗伯塔模型组成的合奏,每个模型各自在验证数据集上由各自的F1分数加权。该系统的性能比基线要好13%,并且是该共享任务的总体性能最佳系统。
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